Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just Because...

I took this picture the other day in Beacon Hill Park (a pretty big park close to downtown Victoria). I didn't even think twice about the shot once I took it, I was just sort of messing around. Later, on my computer my buddy pointed out that it was a pretty decent shot, so I decided to work with it and see what I could turn it into.

Originally, the sky was a deep, deep blue. It was really beautiful, actually, but it was too plain. I took a snapshot of the sky outside my house and toyed with the brightness/exposure until I got the gloomy, apocalyptic sky in the final photo.

After a little more photoshopping, I ended up with a great statue and an empty sky. I took a look at the picture, and to me it screamed "serenity within conflict." I've had a Che Guevara quote in my head for a few weeks, and it described the scene just perfectly.

The adoration in the eyes of the statue figures, even amid the gloomy skies, suggests to me that they would die for each other, that they found something to live for. Statuesque and unchanging they gaze into each others eyes, whether the skies are cloudy or sunny.

That's why I loved this picture.

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